What are comedones?
Comedones are the skin-shaded, little knocks (papules)
regularly found on the brow and button of those with skin inflammation. A
solitary injury is a comedo.
• Open
comedones are pimples; dark as a result of surface color (melanin), instead of
• Closed
comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is totally blocked
• Microcomedones
are small to the point that they are not unmistakable to the stripped eye
• Macrocomedones
are facial shut comedones that are bigger than 2– 3 mm in breadth
• A monster
comedo is a kind of pimple in which there is an unmistakable clogged pore like
opening in the skin
• Solar
comedones are found on the cheeks and button of more seasoned individuals, and
are believed to be because of sun harm
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